About Him
Director-General International Solar Alliance Upendra Tripathy is the one officer who played a leading role in increasing India’s solar energy target five folds from 20,000 Mega Watt to 1,00,000 Mwatt—the highest increase in target in any sector for five years. As a Secretary in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Upendra Tripathi changed the image of Indian Renewable Energy sector and attracted Global attention.
He was a key player in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s team which pitched for International Solar Alliance—a coalition of solar-resource-rich countries to address their special energy needs. A retired IAS officer of Karnataka Cadre, is the first Director-General of the Alliance and has prepared a detailed roadmap to collectively address key common challenges and to scale up solar energy applications in line with their needs. His main target is to mobilize investments of more than USD 1000 Billion by 2030 with a mission “Every home no matter how far, will have a light at home”.
Tripathy served in the government for over 36 years. Before his stint at the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, he has also served as Adviser in the Indian Embassy in Belgium, Luxembourg and at the European Union in Brussels. He was also Additional Secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat. He did his Masters from Jawahar Lal University and from the Carleton University, Ottawa. For his public administration work, he received the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration in the individual category for 2009. Upendra Tripathy spoke to Vijay Thakur, the Special Representative, the Statesman, on the global solar energy sector after COVID pandemic. Excerpts:
Q & A
Solar Energy Sector was growing at the fastest pace during the past four years. The Covid-19 crisis changed the entire world. It appears to have badly affected the solar sector as well. What you think would be the impact of Corona pandemic on the global Solar industry and India in particular?
You are absolutely right. An unknown and unseen virus has paralyzed and humbled mankind. But we will overcome this and life will return to normal. Solar is a part of the same social energy fabric. The same economic laws and forces of demand and supply apply to this sector also.
Because of Corona pandemic, there is a sharp decline in power demand, which makes utilities to force shut down of even solar plants and parks. In fact, the infirm power sector shares an unequal burden and is more vulnerable. This is true for India as well as ISA member countries.
Then there is an impact on solar plants where the work is in progress. Lockdown has created an acute shortage of manpower on the ground. Then the lack of transportation had also resulted in the disruption of the supply chain. Further, the decline in the price of petroleum products may also partially affect where firms, institutions or entrepreneurs used solar heating in place of heating by petroleum products.
In nutshell, Corona has affected all factors of production – land, labour, capital, and technology in all affected countries, including India, albeit to different extents.
International Solar Alliance had set up a certain roadmap with targets for global solar applications for 2030. In the wake of ongoing Corona crisis, do you intend to make any change in your strategy so as meet its 2030 target?
The main aim of the ISA is “One Sun, One World, One Grid” and give opportunities for ISA member countries for solar energy trading and sharing across regions. Our roadmap for 2030 is to build 10 Gega Watt Solar Mini-grids, 50 GWatt of solar parks with 24x7 energy storage, one billion solar home lighting systems and 150 GWatt of Solar rooftops, one billion solar hybrid cook stoves, 50,000 solar health care centres, one billion solar street lights and and 15 million solar pumping sets. This cannot be done without training the workforce, we are targeting to train 5,000 Master trainers in Solar energy set up 100 R & D facilities.
Corona has definitely affected many things. We have to postpone our technology Missions for the time being. We all are working from home. At this time it is very difficult to assess the actual loss or COVID 19 effect. The pandemic is not yet over and we are praying for the best. Having said that, I still maintain it is too early to say that Corona will indeed force us to reboot our roadmap for the next ten years.
In the context of Covid-19, you have taken a new ISA-CARE initiative, something on the lines of PM CARE what exactly is this?
ISA CARE initiative is about solarisation of primary health centres in member countries to provide storage of sensitive vaccines including the one for Corona. In the least Developed Counties (LDC) and in Small-Island Developing States (SIDS) where there is no reliable grid, solar power would enhance access to high-quality essential health care services. These centres can be used to preserve and distribute medicine required for Covid-19 patients and also for Covid-19 vaccines as and when these are in the market. Solarization of healthcare facilities in these countries will provide dual benefits of reliable healthcare systems as well as energy security to member countries.
The ISA will aid, and upgrade the existing essential health care services of LDCs and SIDs by solarization of hospitals, pharmaceutical units, laboratory facilities and any other necessary infrastructure such as Research divisions. ISA shall mobilize necessary funding of around USD 8 million for ISA CARES INITIATIVE through crowd funding from individuals, corporates, foundations and countries. The ISA will reach out to its existing corporate partners and potential partners for mobilizing funds.
India had taken a lead in forming the International Solar Alliance (ISA). What you think how ISA would help India as a whole and Indian solar industry in particular. And what benefits does India get from the location of ISA HQ in India?
India is the host country of International Solar Alliances. So it was a matter of pleasure and pride that member countries unanimously agreed to locate the Headquarters of ISA in India without any competitive bidding. India gets a place of pride in the world community.
ISA can help Indian solar industry in several ways mainly by creating new markets by aggregating and creating demand for solar goods and services outside India which the Indian industry can compete to cater. It will also bring them into a global network where they can exchange views and learn new challenges and take them to countries which are traditionally non-English speaking. Around 50 % of our members are non-English speaking, it would create a platform for India to increase its global influence.
Why there are still many countries mainly China, USA , Germany and South Africa, who have not yet become the members of ISA?
This is a very interesting question. We had 121 “within tropics” countries in the beginning of ISA. Out of those 121 countries, 86 countries have signed the framework agreement. However, China, South Africa and the USA are three important countries who are not yet our members. We are waiting to welcome them as and when they decide to become our members. However, Germany is very much interested to become a member but that needs our first amendment of the opening of borders to all UN member countries has to first be accepted by 30 Countries. 26 Countries have already done so. Once four more countries do so, many countries from outside the tropics will come forward to join.
Presently almost all global players are dependent on China for solar cells and its ancillaries, which are required for the solar industry. What should be the strategy to stop the dominance of the Chinese Solar Industry? Can ISA help the world in this regards?
China has the advantage of mass production and has been responsible for substantial cost-cutting in PV prices globally. Although a decentralised system of manufacturing may reduce logistical costs of transportation, it remains to be seen how competitive it could be vis a vis Chinese methods and systems. The cost will be an important factor in the global market. We wish ISA initiative, a solar revolution in the country and PM’s call for ‘self-reliance’ (Atamnirbhar) would show some path to the Indian solar industry.