Monday, July 6, 2020

India to give Ranking to its roads, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), But what about the roads where 90 % vehicles move?

Ministry of surface transport Ministry has initiated a move to rank national high way. Indeed a good for nearly 1,50,000 long National Highway. But what about the rest of India, state highways, district highways and other roads where more than 90 % traffic runs. In 2015 Indian roads killed 1,48,007 people and economic loss of USD 25 Billion. It is good to have a nice and wonderful national and express highway, stress should also be done on the roads where 90 % of the vehicle runs.

And according to a Planning Commission report, which conducted research on economic loss on India roads between 2001-2003 estimate an annual loss of USD 10 Billion.. which according to a study conducted in 2013 by International Road Federation the annual loss increased to USD 20 Billion, Last year the economic losses could be to the tune or USD 25 Billion.. it is increasing every year--faster than our GDP.. 

On  July 6 India announced to have performance assessment of its National Highway and Expressways and rank it. The assessment audit and ranking of the National Highways was aimed to take corrective recourse, wherever needed, to improve the quality and provide a higher level of service to highway commuters, The Surface and Transport Ministry stated
The assessment parameters would be based on different international practices and studies for benchmarking highway performances in the context of India. T
he criteria for the assessment have been broadly categorised in three main heads--

1)  Highway Efficiency (45%)
2)  Highway Safety (35%)
3) User Services (20%). 
On the basis of the outcome of the assessment, the authority will undertake a comprehensive analysis and decide on the level of intervention required to enhance the overall service quality.
Additionally, important parameters like operating speed, access control, time is taken at the toll plaza, road signages, road markings, accident rate, incident response time, crash barriers, illumination, availability of Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), the functionality of structures, provision for grade-separated intersections, cleanliness, plantation, wayside amenities and customer satisfaction will also be considered while conducting the assessment.

 The score obtained from each Corridor on each of the parameters would provide feedback and corrective recourse for higher standards of operation, better safety and user experience to improve existing highways. This will also help in identifying and filling gaps of design, standards, practices, guidelines and contract agreements for other NHAI projects.

The ranking of the corridors will be dynamic and the concessionaire/ contractor/ operator will get the opportunity to improve upon their ranking by improving the services on that corridor.

 Apart from overall ranking of all the corridors, separate ranking for BOT, HAM and EPC projects will also be done. This process of ranking will bring out operational efficiency and ensure high-quality maintenance of roads.

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Trial of Indian vaccine on Covid-19 will mark the beginning of the end of COVID pandemic: Science and Technology Ministry

Will the COVAXIN  or ZyCov-D will mark the beginning of the end of COVID pandemic?

The Ministry of Science and Technology thinks so, which explained in details how the human trial of the Indian vaccine would make a great change

An article written by the Ministry says that the vaccine under trial would inactivate a whole virus with heat but would keep the antigen molecular structures intact. However, the inactivated virus will not be able to infect or cause disease, as it is no longer functional. The Vaccine used a virus isolated from an Indian patient by the National Institute of Virology to develop the inactivated virus vaccine.

After much criticism in the media, which questioned how Indian Covid-19 Vaccine would come so early, the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, has come up in support of the Indian Vaccine under trial and write an article explaining how India vaccine may make the beginning of the end of COVID 19.

In India two vaccine have been under trial, one COVAXIN developed by Bharat Biotech and second  ZyCov-D Vaccine developed by Zydus Cadila.

The Ministry in its article written by Dr TV Venkateswaran  has claimed that the human trial (nod for which has already been given by the Drug Controller General of India CDSCO--The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation) has marked the beginning of the end.

The article in detail explains, the vaccine race world over, how our Immune system works, Immune System memory and vaccine, and ultimately How these vaccines work. The article said the vaccine for COVID 19 might be developed anywhere in the world, but without Indian manufacturers involved the production of required quantity is not going to be feasible.

Here are the details given by Dr TV Venkateswaran .

Vaccine race


More than 140 candidate vaccines are under various stages of development. One of the leading candidates is AZD1222 developed Jenner Institute of University of Oxford and licenced to AstraZeneca British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Cambridge, England. The MRNA-1273 vaccine developed by Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Washington and taken up for production by the US-based Moderna pharmaceutical is just a step behind. Both these firms have already inked an agreement with Indian manufacturers for production of the COVID vaccines.

Parallelly Indian institutions have also engaged in R&D for the development of vaccines in India. With the primary scientific inputs coming from institutions like Pune based ICMR institution National Institute of Virology and Hyderabad based CSIR institution Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, six Indian companies are working on a vaccine for COVID-19. Along with the two Indian vaccines, COVAXIN and ZyCov-D, the world over, 11 out of 140 vaccine candidates have entered the human trials.

Immune system

Antigen from the pathogen and antibodies produced by the human immune cells can be thought of as matching the compatible pair. Every pathogen has specific molecular structures called as antigen. They are like the surface with a particular hue and design. Once infected by the germ, the human immune system develops antibodies that match the antigen.

Just as the retailer of design matching material stockpile hundreds of design pieces of riots of colours and hues, our immune system has ten thousand types of antibodies. If the pathogen is a known enemy, the immune system can pull the matching design piece from the stock. Once the match is made the pathogen is inactivated. No longer it can infect.

However, if the microorganism is unfamiliar, and mainly when it has evolved for the first time, there is no matching colour and hue in the repertoire.  Nonetheless, unlike the textile, the antibody can evolve. At first, near matches are tried. After various cycles of antibody development, the best fit matures. The time lag between the identification of the main surface colour that is an antigen, and finding a pairing design piece, that is antibodies, is what makes the infection mild or severe. If only the immune system can neutralise the germ instantly, the infection can be prevented.

Immune System memory and vaccine

Like a new hue of design piece once acquired is stocked for future, once the new antibody matching the antigen evolves, it is retained in the immunological memory. Next time the same pathogen invades, immunological memory gets activated, and twinned antibody is released. The infection is nipped in the bud. We acquire immunity.

A vaccine is a method to artificially inducing the immunological memory. Once the antigens of the nasty pathogen are introduced, the immune system is triggered into developing pairing antibodies and immunological memory.

There are many ways in which one can artificially stroke the immune system to develop antibodies and memory. The bottom line is presenting the antigens of the novel coronavirus to the human immune system. From adenovirus-based live-attenuated virus to recombinant genetic technology is used to develop several types of vaccines. Two among the various possibilities produced in India are inactivated virus vaccine and DNA plasmid vaccine.

How these vaccines work

We can inactivate a whole virus with heat or formaldehyde (that is 'killed'), yet keep the antigen molecular structures still intact. However, the inactivated virus will not be able to infect or cause disease, as it is no longer functional. The Bharat Biotech's COVAXIN uses the virus isolated from an Indian patient by the National Institute of Virology to develop the inactivated virus vaccine.

Novel coronavirus infects the human cells with the help of its spike proteins. The spike protein of the virus binds with the ACE2 receptors on the surface of the human respiratory tract cells. Once the virus fuse, the viral genome is slipped into the human cell where around a thousand copies of the virus are made in just ten hours. These baby viruses emigrate to nearby cells. Infection can be arrested if only we can deactivate the spike protein of the novel coronavirus.  Thus the antigen on the spike protein is a crucial vaccine target. If the antibody blocks the spike protein, then the virus cannot bind the cell and multiply.

The genomic code of the spike protein is spliced into a harmless DNA plasmid. This modified plasmid DNA with the genetic code of viral spike protein is introduced into the host cells. The cellular machinery translates the DNA and produces the viral protein encoded in the genome. The human immune system recognises the alien protein and develops a matching antibody. After this vaccination, if at any time, we are infected by the novel coronavirus, then sensing the spike protein antibodies are released instantly. The immune killer cells seize deactivated viruses. Contagion is arrested even before infection sets in.

the article is based on the information given by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Indian Government.

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

India PM briefs President Kovind issues of "National and International importance"

Modi and President Kovind met first Time after the Indo-China Border Tension begins. The PM Briefed him on the developments along the Indo-China border and about his Ladakh visit. 
BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday called on President Ram Nath Kovind and briefed him on the tension along the Indo-China border arising due to recent Galwan clash and heavy employment of Chinese Army along the Indo-China border.

The meeting lasted for about half an hour. After the meeting, the President House tweeted from his official tweeter handle, “Prime Minister @narendramodi called on President Kovind and briefed him on the issues of national and international importance at Rashtrapati Bhavan today”. Though the President or Prime Minister Office has not given any further detail of the meeting, it is believed PM briefed him on the ongoing tension along the Indo-China border and the steps India has taken to defuse the situation.

Two days ago, Prime Minister has surprised everyone by flying to Ladakh, and indirectly telling China to shun its 'arrogant expansionist policies' and concentrate on developments. He interacted with senior officers, went to a forward post and addressed security personal deployed there and later met the injured personnel in a Ladakh Hospital. He stayed there for about half an hour and interacted with.

India has lost its 20 Army personnel, including the Commanding Officer of 16th Bihar Regiment at the hands of Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley of LadakhThis was an unprovoked attack by the Chinese border troops on Indian soldiers, after confirming the implementation of the de-escalation plan by the Chinese in Galwan valley.

Though much is not out what was discussed in the meeting, it is believed that Prime Minister briefed President on two fronts, one the recent ongoing tension between India and China, and the steps government has taken to defuse the tension. The Prime Minister believed to have discussed the Covid-19 situation where numbers of infected persons are increasing alarmingly.

Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The statesman 

Centre to create 10,000 FPOs to help small and marginal farmers

These Farmers Produce Organisation (FPOs) would mainly help farmers involved in the Horticulture sector, where small and marginal farmers hardly get a good price of their produce.

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

Centre plans to create 10,000 Farmer’s Producer Organisation (FPOs) to help small and marginal farmers to sell their produce at a better price directly.

These FPOs would not only help in the agriculture process, but also create new avenues for the development of the country said the Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar . He said nearly 86%  of the farmers in the country are small and marginal. The FPOs would help them in reducing the cost of marketing, improve production in the agricultural and horticultural sectors and generate employment opportunities in the rural sector.

In the Budget 2020-21, Centre government has proposed to adopt a cluster approach for horticultural produce through “One district – One Product” scheme so as to give a fillip to value addition, marketing and exports. The scheme has a budget is Rs. 6,865 crores and all FPOs would be provided professional support and handholding for 5 years.

The Minister said 15% of the FPOs are to be constituted in aspirational districts, and ould be formed on priority basis in scheduled tribal areas. This is a Produce cluster-based scheme. The FPOs will also boost organic and natural farming. The scheme would be implemented through agencies like NABARD, SFAC and NCDC. They would be provided with the facility of equity grant up to Rs. 15 lakh on matching equity basis for financial stability. There would also be a credit guarantee fund with NABARD and NCDC, under which suitable credit guarantee up to Rs.2 crores per FPO will be provided.

Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The statesman 

6940 entries received in PM's Mobile App innovation Challenge, the challenge was designed to give a push to indigenous Mobile apps that may replace the 59 banned Chinese Apps

India to incentivize IT Entrepreneurs, to develop indigenous Mobile apps that may replace the 59 banned Chinese Apps
BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman, 

Prime Minister’s Made in India Mobile app challenge received a record number of 6940 entries across the 8 categories.

According to the Government, 3939 applications have come from individuals and 3001 from organizations and companies.

Individual applicants have offer 1757 ready to use applications while the remaining 2182 are under development. In the organization, category 1742 Apps are ready to use while the remaining 1259 are under development.

The Category-wise breakup of the Apps submitted include

1142 under Business

901 under Health & Wellness

1062 under E-Learning

1155 under Social Networking

326 under Games

662 under Office & Work from Home

237 under News

320 under Entertainment.

Around 1135 Apps have been submitted under the others category.

While Around 271 of these Apps have more than 100,000 downloads with 89 of the Apps having million-plus downloads. The applicants are from all over the country including remote and small towns.

 The government claimed that the AatmaNirbhar Bharat App ecosystem has the potential to unlock value for the Indian tech startups and help them get a pie of the multi-trillion-dollar App Economy. Just the top 3 companies with maximum downloads of Apps, this year have a total market cap of almost 2 trillion $s and are growing very fast.

My Earlier Post on this subject

The move is good, intentions are honest but the reward is just an eyewash. Government is offering only Rs 20 lakhs price for each category (total categories are 8); Rs 15 lakhs second Price and Rs 10 lakhs for the third price.
Which means there would be a total of 8 First price, 8 Second price, 8 third price. The government would spend Rs 1.6 crore for the first prices, Rs 1.2 crores for the second price and Rs 80 lakhs for the third price 
A total of Rs 3.6 crore--it may seem sufficient for acknowledging their efforts and promote genuine apps. But 'ऊंट के मुंह में जीरा ' when we see the hard work involved in it. It would not meet even 10 days salary of the engineers who are spending day and night on the app. Too many mobile innovators, it is like खोदा पहाड़ निकला चूहा

In a big move to promote Indian IT entrepreneurs, Niti Ayog has offered help, prize and other incentives to IT professionals, who are developing or have already developed innovative Indian apps that may replace Chinese apps or are or world quality in the field of 
‘office productivity and Work from Home, ‘Social Networking’, E-Learning, Entertainment, Health and Wellness app, News app and apps related to Business.

On Saturday India offered help to promote best Indian apps and launched ‘App Innovation Challenge’ for IT companies which are making mobile app to improve ‘office productivity and Work from Home, ‘Social Networking’, E-Learning, Entertainment, Health and Wellness app, News app and apps related to Business.

The objective of the project is to support and build a strong ecosystem for Indian Apps. For this Niti Aayog has launched a Digital India AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge for Indian tech entrepreneurs and Startups. This would have two tracks, one for the promotion of existing apps and second for those who are developing new apps—indigenous version of Chinese apps. 
In track one, Ayog has initiated the App Innovation Challenge to identify the best Indian Apps that are already being used by citizens and have the potential to scale and become world-class Apps in their respective categories. This Innovation Challenge will have various cash awards and incentives of featuring Apps. It would create an ecosystem where Indian entrepreneurs and Startups are incentivised to ideate, incubate, build, nurture and sustain Tech solutions that can serve not only citizens within India but also the world.
In track two of the AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge, The government would seek to identify Indian startups, entrepreneurs, and companies to encourage them with ideation, incubation, prototyping and roll out of applications. While track 1 would be over in a month, the track 2 would run for a longer course of time—the government is working on details of the track 2. 


MeitY in partnership with Atal Innovation Mission – Niti Aayog launches Digital India AatmaNirbhar Bharat Innovate Challenge to identify the best Indian Apps that are already being used by citizens and have the potential to scale and become world-class Apps in their respective categories. This Innovation Challenge with various cash awards and incentives of featuring Apps on Leader Boards seeks to create an ecosystem where Indian entrepreneurs and Startups are incentivised to ideate, incubate, build, nurture and sustain Tech solutions that can serve not only citizens within India but also the world.

The Mantra is to Make in India for India and the World.

The AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge is being launched in the following 8 broad categories:

  • Office Productivity & Work from Home
  • Social Networking
  • E-Learning
  • Entertainment
  • Health & Wellness
  • Business including Agritech and Fintech
  • News
  • Games

There may be several subcategories within each category.


  • A mobile application harnessing the most accurate facial and/or body mapping technology to allow for a true-to-life virtual try out of products like spectacles, clothes, etc.
  • Mobile application for real-time speech-to-speech translation and camera translation of multiple languages.
  • An automated web-based application that handles the business-to-business lead generation and cold emailing and is completely manageable from a mobile device itself.
  • Application to use mobile devices as image scanners with features like on the fly image correction, image editing, text recognition, etc.
  • Application to provide cloud storage integration, cross-platform file transfer via FTP or LAN, and a root browser on a mobile device
  • Robust indigenous anti-virus software for mobile devices.
  • Application to optimize mobile device's performance by cleaning junk/cache files, optimizing device memory and optimizing battery usage.
  • A mobile-based live streaming platform for hosting webinars, lectures, etc.
  • A mobile-based messaging and video calling application
  • A mobile-based microblogging application
  • A mobile-based news application that uses cutting-edge technology to recommend the most relevant and interesting news individually to each use.
  • A mobile application offering satellite imagery and street maps, as well as functions such as a route planner for travelling by foot, car, or with public transportation.
  • A mobile-based online gaming platform which also functions as a social hub for gamers
  • A mobile-based photo-editing application with all standard image editing features

Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The statesman 

Saturday, July 4, 2020

No COVID-19 impact on progress of area coverage under kharif crops, 20 % more than last year as on July 17

Despite COVID-19 fear, Kharif sowing had no impact, registered 21.2%  more sowing: Data from the Agriculture Ministry.

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

Sowing of Kharif crops which is in progress appears to have no impact of COVID 19, rather the sowing areas coverage has increased by 21.2%r-- which indicates early sowing in hope of good Monsoon prediction.

Agriculture Ministry on its parts has claimed that it has taken several measures to facilitate the farmers and farming activities at field level during the pandemic.

According to the Ministry, Kharif sowing so far has covered 691.86 Lakh hectares as against the sowing of nearly 570.86 lakh hectares last year. Which means this year is it additional sowing of 121 lakh hectares--apparently because of good Moonson forecast made by the IMD.

Not only the sowing progress, even the water storage in the country’s 123 major reservoirs are very encouraging—almost  150% more then the corresponding period of last year and 133 % of the storage of average last ten years, said a senior officer of the Agriculture Ministry. He said average rainfall till July 16 is 338.3 mm against the normal rainfall of 308.4 mm—a departure of nearly 10 %, the officer pointed out.

What is encouraging is that while rice sown area is increased by 18.50 %, sowing of pulses has increased by 32.35 %, oilseeds by 40.75 %, cotton by 17.28 %. The officer said adding that there was no impact of COVID-19 on the progress of area coverage under Kharif crops.

Sowing Area Coverage of Summer Crops:

  • ·        Rice on 168.47 lakh ha against 142.06 lakh ha area last year i.e. increase in area coverage by 18.59%,

    ·        Pulses on 81.66 lakh ha against 61.70 lakh ha area last year i.e. increase in area coverage by 32.35%,

    ·        Coverage of Coarse Cereals reported on 115.60 lakh ha area against 103.00 lakh ha area last year i.e. increase in area coverage by 12.23%,

    ·        Oilseeds 154.95 lakh ha area against 110.09 lakh ha area last year i.e. area coverage increased by 40.75 %,

    ·        Sugarcane on 51.29 lakh ha area against 50.82 lakh ha area last year i.e. increase in area coverage by 0.92%

    ·        Under the Cotton, area coverage reported on 113.01 lakh ha area against 96.35 lakh ha area last year i.e. increase in area coverage by 17.28 % and

    ·        In case of Jute & Mesta, on 6.88 lakh ha area against 6.84 lakh ha area last year  i.e. increase in area coverage by 0.70% reported in the country.

  • Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The statesman 

Friday, July 3, 2020

After banning Chinese apps, India asks its states to avoid buying from China & go for domestic manufacturing to cut Rs 70,000 crore import bill

India strongly asks states to not to go for Chinese power equipment & produce domestic power equipment to cut its Rs 71,000 crore import bill

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

In another big jolt to China, the Indian Government has asked its states to avoid buying power equipment from china and cut its import bill by Rs 71,000 crore, which is spent on purchasing of power equipment.

Though India has taken a logic that all these were being done due to the strategic nature of the industry. Union Power Minister R K Singh while addressing its state power ministers further warned that all imported equipment would be subjected to  "stringent testing to check the influx of malware like Trojan".

The move is likely to further hit Chinese power equipment manufacturing industry, which has nearly 30 % of the market share. In 2018-19, India had purchased equipment worth Rs 20,000 crore from China.

In another big jolt to China, the Indian Government has asked its states to avoid buying power equipment from china and cut its import bill by Rs 71,000 crore, which is spent on purchasing of power equipment.

Though India has taken a logic that all these were being done due to the strategic nature of the industry. Union Power Minister R K Singh while addressing its state power ministers further warned that all imported equipment would be subjected to  "stringent testing to check the influx of malware like Trojan".

The move is likely to further hit Chinese power equipment manufacturing industry, which has nearly 30 % of the market share. In 2018-19, India had purchased equipment worth Rs 20,000 crore from China.

Though the Minister did not say India is banning Chinese equipment, he meant that only, claims sources in the Power Ministry. He said the power sector is a strategic sector should have domestic production. “Sector being strategic in nature is vulnerable to a cyber attack. Imported equipment would be subjected to testing to check the influx of malware like Trojan," he told states.

Addressing all the State Power Ministers through video conference, Union Minister of Power and Renewable Energy also highlighted the need of PM’s Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan in the power sector.

He said that India's import bill for purchasing power equipment was around  Rs.71,000 crore in the year 2018-19, which include Rs 20,000 crore's import from China. “It should be our sincere endeavour to promote manufacturing of power infrastructure equipment within the country,” the Minister said.

Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The statesman 

Stubble burning going to be a history: claims Scientists who developed a wheat variety that can be sown under rice stubble

Stubble burning going to be history: Scientists developed a wheat variety that can be  sown under rice stubble retained conditions

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

In a major breakthrough that could bring down the practice of stubble burning of paddy crop in North India, Indian Agriculture scientists have developed a wheat variety that could be sown under rice stubble-retained conditions.

The new wheat variety RHTL 14 and RHTL 18, would not only help in reducing the practice of paddy stubble burning but would also use less water. The new variety could allow deeper sowing of wheat seeds to avail advantage of residual moisture in the soil under dry environments, said a senior officer of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

According to the Ministry, the wheat seeds could be sown in the paddy stubble with deep sowing and there is no need to cut or burn stubble for sowing wheat after harvesting paddy. The scientists at the Agharkar Research Institute (ARI), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology, have mapped two alternative dwarfing genes Rht14 and Rht18 in wheat. These genes are associated with better seedling vigour and longer coleoptiles (sheath protecting the young shoot tip).

In India, over 23 million metric tonnes of leftover rice residues are annually burnt by farmers to get rid of the straw and to prepare their fields for sowing wheat. The burning of stubble causes a major pollution problem in the entire North Indian region. However, once the new seeds are accepted, there would be no need to burn stubble for sowing wheat, the Ministry said.

The team of scientists led by Dr. Ravindra Patil of the ARI have mapped the dwarfing genes on chromosome 6A in durum wheat. They had also developed a DNA-based marker for a better selection of these genes in wheat breeding lines. The DNA-based markers will help wheat breeders to precisely select wheat lines carrying these alternative dwarfing genes from a massive pool of wheat breeding lines, the officer said.

The presently available semi-dwarf wheat varieties, which were explored during the Green Revolution, carry conventional Rht1 dwarfing alleles and produce optimum yields under high-fertility irrigated conditions.

But it was not adapted for deeper sowing conditions in dry environments due to shorter coleoptiles. And low early vigour often results into reduced seedling emergence. Moreover, crop stands of Rht1 wheat also remain poor where previous crop residues pose a barrier for seedling emergence due to the short coleoptiles.

Vijay Thakur, The Statesman.

विस्तारवाद नहीं विकासवाद: Modi takes a tough stand, indirectly tells to choose between युद्ध या बुद्ध,

विस्तारवाद नहीं विकासवाद: Modi told China though indirectly to choose between 
BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,

Though I was very disappointed on Prime Minister's sixth address to the nation and called it "much ado about nothing". But today he apparently corrected himself and did what was really needed to stand with security forces and give them a morale boost.
He categorically said विस्तारवाद नहीं विकासवाद.. an indirect message to China and to convey the world India wants peace and development and at the same time would not tolerate the expansionist attitude of China

1) He rightly pointed out that this is not the time for "expansionist" attitude. विस्तारवाद (expansionism) would only lead to destruction and would not help any country. 

2) He said it is the right time to go for development and the world is looking for only development..

3) But at the same time, he clarified that peace talks cannot be done without being strong. India is always for peace but at the same time, it is quite capable to deal with any eventualities.

4) This is not only a message to China But to the entire world that India is no 1962 India, it cannot tolerate any nonsense.

Prime Minister visited Ladakh without announcing media. It surprised many, even in the political circles were surprised at the move. At a time when the two countries are at the point of the war, no Country head prefers to go to the HOT Point. PM Modi went there and told them indirectly to choose between युद्ध या बुद्ध (war or peace). The message was loud and clear for China.

He interacted with Indian soldiers posted there at the remote border outposts. Modi also met with the soldiers who were injured in June 15 violent face-off with China. Interacting with the soldiers in a military hospital in Leh, PM Modi said they gave a befitting reply to the Chinese. PM Modi told them their bravery will be a source of inspiration for times to come. "The Bravehearts who left us, have not gone without a reason. Together, you all also gave a befitting reply (karara jawab bhi diya hai)," he said.

The move caught most by surprise as it came at a time when India and China are embroiled in a months-long standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh.


PM Modi's visit came nearly a fortnight after 20 Indian soldiers, including a Colonel-rank officer, were killed in a violent face-off with Chinese troops in the Galwan Valley. While China also suffered casualties in the faceoff, it is yet to release details. The Prime Minister's visit to Leh comes at a time when relations with China are severely strained and is being seen as one aimed at sending a strong message to China, as well an attempt to boost the morale of the Indian forces posted in the tough terrain.

Earlier, Defence Minister Rajanth Singh was scheduled to visit Leh and interact with the troops, along with Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and Indian Army chief Gen MM Naravane. However, in a last-minute change of plans, Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself decided to meet the troops.

Indo-China Skirmishes at Galwan (2020)

The May-June 2020 China–India skirmish at Galway valley and at a few more places along Indo-China Border is part of an ongoing military a standoff between the two largest nation of the world. Since 5 May 2020, Chinese and Indian troops have reportedly engaged in aggressive melee, face-offs and skirmishes at locations mainly Galwan, Pangong Lake along the disputed Line of Actual Control.

India has been accusing China of not defining LAC since 1962 war, It entered into an agreement with China in the nineties and promised no use of weapons at the LAC and told China to give its map on LAC, which it has never given so far. And this has become the bone of contention between the two nations. The recent melee fighting has been going on since May but on the intervening night of 15/16 June 2020, 20 Indian soldiers lost their life where as nearly 43 Chinese soldiers died in the skirmish.

India took a tough stand and reinforced the region with 12,000 additional workers, who assisted India’s Border Road Organisation (a Military the organization involved in developing border roads in India) developing Indian infrastructure

According to defence experts, the standoffs are Chinese pre-emptive measures in responding to the Darbuk-Shyok-DBO road in Ladakh. The Chinese have also extensively developed their infrastructure in these disputed border regions.

US President Trump offered to mediate between the two nations to bring peace, However, India and China have both maintained that there are enough bilateral mechanisms to resolve the situation through quiet diplomacy.

The tough stand was taken by India and the subsequent long interaction between India’s NSA (national security advisor) Ajit Doval with Chinese Defence Minister slightly cooled down the atmosphere and China agree to most of India’s demand.


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