Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Man who rose from the 'heart of darkness' in naxal affected region of Jharkhand and became Minister in Modi Government

A simple Sobre politician from Jharkhand with no godfather in Lutyens' Delhi, became Minister in Modi-I government. As a child in Naxal affected areas, his only aim was to earn his bread and butter. That time Even in his dreams he had never thought that one day he would become Minister in the Union cabinet.  Today He is a member of Parliament and working for the upliftment of tribals in his state. My Last year Interview.

The hallmark of Sudarshan Bhagat, Minister of State for Tribal Affairs in Modi Government, is his simplicity and honesty. Born and brought up in the remotest areas of Naxal affected Tangardih in Jharkhand, Sudarshan Bhagat reached to this level with his dedication and hard work. He is probably one of the few politicians in the Modi Government who despite having no Political God Father entered into the higher echelons of Lutyens’ Delhi. Entering Parliament or becoming a Minister was not even in his dream when he used to walk miles to his school. His political career started after he joined student politics and became a state Joint Secretary of ABVP and actively associated himself with Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram for the upliftment of tribals in Jharkhand. Later he jumped into the movement for a separate Jharkhand state.

In 2000, he was elected as MLA in Jharkhand assembly and became the youngest Minister in the Babulal Marandi government. In 2009 he was first elected in the 15th Lok Sabha and then in 2014. He was picked up as Minister of State for Social Justice and empowerment, Rural Development, and then Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. In 2017 he was given the portfolio of Minister of State for Tribal Affairs. Sudarshan Bhagat spoke to Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, the Statesman, on what government has done for the upliftment of tribals and the government's roadmap to bring them into the national mainstream. Excerpts:

BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman, 


Tribal areas have been neglected in the country for a long. Development work hardly reached them since independence when we compare it with Urban areas. What Modi government has done to bring them to the national mainstream?


It would not be right to say that not much has been done to tribal areas by the previous government. Every government has tried to do its best. However, It is also a fact that all that had been done was not suffice. The major boost to Tribal sector came in Atal Bihar Vajpayee’s government when he made a Separate Ministry for Tribal Affairs. It proved to be a game-changer, a concerted thrust was given to tribals since then.

Ever since Modi government came into power it ensured special emphasis was laid to Tribal areas. The budget of the Ministry increased from Rs 3832 crores in 2014-15 to Rs 6,000 crore in 2018-19. Similarly budget by various Union Ministries for SC and ST has increased from Rs 19,437 crore in 2014-15 to Rs 37,802.94 in 2018-19—a straight away increase of 94 %.

Besides the government has also ensured that the money allotted to tribal areas reaches to its beneficiaries, inculcate a sense of pride among tribals and bring them into the mainstream.


There is a huge gap in literacy rate when we compare it with the general public. What government has proposed to bridge these gaps?


There is no denying the fact that education level in the tribal areas is not satisfactory and a lot needs to be done in this sector. Considering these facts, the government has stressed on quality education and skill development programmes in tribal areas.

Mere giving them education is not enough. What our government believes is they should be given quality education to make them employable in the private sectors as well as develop their skills. The idea is they could get jobs in industries or could start their own small business.

And the results from government started residential Ekalavya Model Residential Schools speaks for themselves, in 2017-18, passing the rate was 90% out of which 53 % students passed it in the first division. Similarly in 12 standards, the passing rate was 81 %, out of which 61 % passed out in first division.

Seeing its success, the government is planning to increase 462 more residential schools in tribal areas by 2022. Making its strength of 681 schools from the present strength of 219 model schools for tribal people.



The health situation is equally bad in tribal areas. the mortality rate and malnutrition rate is very high among the tribal community.


The health situation in tribal areas is a cause of serious concern. Small small diseases, which can be can be easily prevented like Anemia is very prevalent among tribals. Secondly, we have to accept the fact that unlike urban areas or areas near urban cities, tribal areas being remote and hilly are not easily accessible, therefore ensuring medical facility has been a challenge.

Government is working on two ways, first educating tribal people mainly women on the importance of hygiene and health, trying to shed their superstitious beliefs, and make them available essential medical healthcare and nutritious meals. Once it is implemented totally, half the problem would be over.

Then it comes to give quality health care to tribal people. Government through various schemes is trying to make available quality health care within their reach. Efforts are being made to expedite the issue.




Not much has been done for the economic development of the tribal community in the country as a result they remained neglected. What government has done to empower them socially and economically?



It is a fact that no community can grow until they are empowered socially and economically. Government is targeting to uplift them economically and socially and bring in the mainstream. That is one reason why our Prime Minister Narendra Modi started Skill Development Program (PMKVY—Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna) was introduced to develop skills. Tribal people would be benefited a lot through this, the government would give them skill training, and through micro-financing help them set up a business. Government is also promoting Self-help Groups in tribal areas mainly run by women groups so as they could learn to manage their small businesses. Priority is given to tribal entrepreneurs in subsidized central sponsored business loans.

Other than inculcating entrepreneurship among tribals, the government has introduced Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Produce on the line of MSP of agriculture produce. It was started in 2013-14 with 10 minor forest produce (MFP), and today 49 forest produce has been added into MFP. Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India (TRIFED) has been asked to keep a close watch on the market price of MFP and recommend the introduction of new items from time to time. The move would help tribal people to get the best price of their forest produce. TRIFED is also developing infrastructure for storage and marketing of forest produce. Union Government is giving central assistance for developing marketing and storage capacity in tribal areas.

In nutshell, the Modi government has a three-pronged strategy to assist tribals… first to give them quality education and skill training, improve their health, and then assist them in becoming entrepreneurs by giving easy and affordable priority loans.



What else you think needs more to be done for tribals:




We believe the tribal community has a great role in nation-building and national integration. Unfortunately, this aspect has not much highlighted. Our government has taken up a special initiative to highlight the contribution of Tribal Heros in nation-building, we are building museums of Tribal Heros and their heritage so as they have a sense of pride and other people could also come to know the contribution of tribal community in national building. Then comes their traditional art and handicrafts, this is unique in many ways. Once promoted and highlighted thoroughly, the world would recognize and appreciate Indian tribal culture and art. An economically empowered educated tribal certainly would lead India to new heights.



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