Monday, July 13, 2020

MSP for our MLAs/MPs: इस तरह अगर हमारे कांग्रेसी MLA बिकते रहे तो सरकार तो इनका MSP fix कर देना चाहिए ?

In Greek origin of the word, Democracy is a combination of two words 'Demos' means citizens and 'Kratos' means the power of rule--it became 'Demos-Kratos'  and now Democracy, it was then a utopian concept like we call Ram Rajya in India. This actually means the government which is ruled by the people. the idea seems amazing both Democracy and Ram Rajya But the Ground reality in India is different. Having seen all the negative aspect of Demos-Kratos--I still call long live democracy.

These days fighting an election is a big risk. It is a 'make or break' game for our poor politicians, who may have more than enough money in their bank or in land plots, but hardly have any heart in spending it.

For them Fighting/contesting elections is a Business and some of them proudly claim sometimes they are not politicians but 'social businessman'. Nothing comes free for them. Even a party worker, who works day and night for him... at least deserve a decent car, a bottle of whisky of his choice, and chicken leg.. if they get some decent dance at night to relax their fatigue it would be "सोने पे सुहागा".

They do not see any wrong in their demand. Even a daily wager in 'MANREGA' gets more than that in eight. A Mason or a carpenter earns Rs 600 to Rs 700 a day. A contesting MLA candidate at least needs more than 300 to 500 dedicated workers for 24x7 for nearly 15 days... If we calculate other campaigning expenses (according to a Delhi MLA known to me), he spends more than Rs 50 lakhs in one election.

Where that money comes from. Then his office expenses, four to five dedicated workers throughout, regular tea and snacks for his regular visitors (could be sometimes more than 1000 a day), you name it you have it.... the list is long and surprising. Normally these poor chaps have to spend approx two crores for these expenses. 

If they are demanding Rs 25 crore... what's wrong in that... A raw cotton 250 grams (raw material cost Rs 27 a kg), but when It is developed into a shirt, it costs about Rs 500 a piece (which means Rs 2000 a kg).... imagine.
So why not an uneducated/illitrate/ruffian/ Gunda, who spends about Rs 2 crore to become an MLA not cost Rs 25 surprises our system.

Long live democracy !!!
BY Vijay Thakur, Special Representative, The Statesman,


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